

Hello, my name is Alex, but known as AlexFlipnote over the internet. I'm a Developer that spends time coding scripts and building websites. Been coding for around [var years_since | main.js] now and still on the road to learn more. Current coding languages I know fair enough are HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL


AlexFlipnote/history, timeline history of my personal website

AlexFlipnote/homepage, website that can be used as a personal start page with clock and date.

CoffeeAPI, simple, yet powerful API providing random images.

diskspace, making it possible to use Linux df & du command on Windows, a simple discord bot that helps you get started within

Discord_Theme, discord theme that changes the CSS style

gitpullall, a Python module that calls "git pull" on all subfolders

KawaiiBot, Discord bot made in Kotlin to serve discord servers with fun- and moderator commands.

ModestaCSS, a clean CSS framework made to match my website design

neofetch-win, neofetch, but for Windows

Terminal, group for developers.